thursday, october 21

Thursday, October 21, 2010

uda pengen nge blog ni dari kemaren,tapi lappy ku baru pulang hari ini :D welcome home again baby!
oiah g punya banyak cerita nih, berhubung udah lama ga ngeblog,hehe
sekarang rambut g uda beda lohh! *berasa.makin.cakep* hhihi

liet,beda kan stelah di make up?hehhe
nih foto gw ama my hairdresser/makeup artist

ci Lia-me-ko Stephen
they are so funny! happy to be cooperated with them :)

g blom nonton stepup3 nihh =(((
kmaren maw nonton ga ada tiket lagii,jadi na nonton RED,its so cool! nice movie!hahaha

hope tommorow will be better :)
just pray for the best.
nite blogs!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

thursday, october 21

Posted by J E N N Y
uda pengen nge blog ni dari kemaren,tapi lappy ku baru pulang hari ini :D welcome home again baby!
oiah g punya banyak cerita nih, berhubung udah lama ga ngeblog,hehe
sekarang rambut g uda beda lohh! *berasa.makin.cakep* hhihi

liet,beda kan stelah di make up?hehhe
nih foto gw ama my hairdresser/makeup artist

ci Lia-me-ko Stephen
they are so funny! happy to be cooperated with them :)

g blom nonton stepup3 nihh =(((
kmaren maw nonton ga ada tiket lagii,jadi na nonton RED,its so cool! nice movie!hahaha

hope tommorow will be better :)
just pray for the best.
nite blogs!

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