friday, october 22

Friday, October 22, 2010

uda lama ga nonton dvd serial taiwannnn! dlu sih tiep hari kerjaan na nonton dvd muluuu =P
ni judul na Personal Taste, lucuu,kerenn,n cakepp sekalii lee min ho nyaa! omaigatomaigattt!
i really fall for himmm! hhihii
oyaa,tadi g uda ntn stepup3 lohh! yg 3D,n bego na g lupa pk lens! jdi na g pake dobel kcamata nih ceritanyaa,hhaha,konyol abis!
btw,btw,bsog g pengen ikutan jualan bunga n ngamen lagiii buet cari dana amal,tapii ...

thenn, kmaren g jam 3 nih baru tidur gara2 ngob ga jelas ama sandra,my house mate!hhaha
ehh2, nih g share foto gw ama housemate ga jelas inii!hahhaa
nih teddy g,g,n sandra
housemate g yang ODONG jugaa,
ga kalah odong ama g!hahhahaa

i just realized that everyday is an extraordinary day! 
thanks god for today!
hope tommorow will be better =)

nb. you promise me,you owe me! im waiting for you to text me asap! =)

goodnight bloggers!


Friday, October 22, 2010

friday, october 22

Posted by J E N N Y
uda lama ga nonton dvd serial taiwannnn! dlu sih tiep hari kerjaan na nonton dvd muluuu =P
ni judul na Personal Taste, lucuu,kerenn,n cakepp sekalii lee min ho nyaa! omaigatomaigattt!
i really fall for himmm! hhihii
oyaa,tadi g uda ntn stepup3 lohh! yg 3D,n bego na g lupa pk lens! jdi na g pake dobel kcamata nih ceritanyaa,hhaha,konyol abis!
btw,btw,bsog g pengen ikutan jualan bunga n ngamen lagiii buet cari dana amal,tapii ...

thenn, kmaren g jam 3 nih baru tidur gara2 ngob ga jelas ama sandra,my house mate!hhaha
ehh2, nih g share foto gw ama housemate ga jelas inii!hahhaa
nih teddy g,g,n sandra
housemate g yang ODONG jugaa,
ga kalah odong ama g!hahhahaa

i just realized that everyday is an extraordinary day! 
thanks god for today!
hope tommorow will be better =)

nb. you promise me,you owe me! im waiting for you to text me asap! =)

goodnight bloggers!

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