sunday, october 31

Sunday, October 31, 2010

yesterday, 30 october is my mother's birthday.
happy birthday mom =) I love you mom.

miss youuu *kisshugs*
celebrating the birthday of the mother, without me.=((((

this is a little cake from me to
celebrate mom's birthday

share about my life :
I began to feel distant from my close friends. and its true.
and I began to realize, any time n wherever we are,
we must believe in ourselves.
no one in charge of your happiness except you.
I believe time heals everything.
n life is too short to waste time hating anyone. forgive them for everything =)

i cant stop eatingggg! OMG! everytimes when i say " i wanna DIET from now on"
its always failed!! =((
everyone says that im too FAT now! HELPP!
todays menu :
breakfast : cianjur
lunch : buffet @raja kuring
dinner : jala-jala + JCO yogurt

monday, october 25

Monday, October 25, 2010

today's very funny. sorry feli, we're just kidding. =)))

RED movie again, eat REDMango,
I already told my friends that I've feeling with one man. but I'm not sure.
then they gave me a lot of advice. thank you friends.

jakarta heavy rain flushed, flooding and traffic jams everywhere

do not know why, lately my mood is not stable
sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, I can not control it.

find, I love it. there are very fashionable.
ive register the modelling competition,wish me luck :)

ps: havent text me yet! :(
hope tommorow will be better :)
*news* there was an earthquake in Sumatera,Indonesia. 7,2 SR , 21.40 WIB
lets pray for the best =)
night fellas :)

friday, october 22

Friday, October 22, 2010

uda lama ga nonton dvd serial taiwannnn! dlu sih tiep hari kerjaan na nonton dvd muluuu =P
ni judul na Personal Taste, lucuu,kerenn,n cakepp sekalii lee min ho nyaa! omaigatomaigattt!
i really fall for himmm! hhihii
oyaa,tadi g uda ntn stepup3 lohh! yg 3D,n bego na g lupa pk lens! jdi na g pake dobel kcamata nih ceritanyaa,hhaha,konyol abis!
btw,btw,bsog g pengen ikutan jualan bunga n ngamen lagiii buet cari dana amal,tapii ...

thenn, kmaren g jam 3 nih baru tidur gara2 ngob ga jelas ama sandra,my house mate!hhaha
ehh2, nih g share foto gw ama housemate ga jelas inii!hahhaa
nih teddy g,g,n sandra
housemate g yang ODONG jugaa,
ga kalah odong ama g!hahhahaa

i just realized that everyday is an extraordinary day! 
thanks god for today!
hope tommorow will be better =)

nb. you promise me,you owe me! im waiting for you to text me asap! =)

goodnight bloggers!

thursday, october 21

Thursday, October 21, 2010

uda pengen nge blog ni dari kemaren,tapi lappy ku baru pulang hari ini :D welcome home again baby!
oiah g punya banyak cerita nih, berhubung udah lama ga ngeblog,hehe
sekarang rambut g uda beda lohh! *berasa.makin.cakep* hhihi

liet,beda kan stelah di make up?hehhe
nih foto gw ama my hairdresser/makeup artist

ci Lia-me-ko Stephen
they are so funny! happy to be cooperated with them :)

g blom nonton stepup3 nihh =(((
kmaren maw nonton ga ada tiket lagii,jadi na nonton RED,its so cool! nice movie!hahaha

hope tommorow will be better :)
just pray for the best.
nite blogs!

friday, october 8

Friday, October 8, 2010

sharian ga kemana-mana, kerjain something buet birthdaygift temen g :)
hope she'll like it :):):)
i alrd do my best :p

nonton pemilihan putri indonesia! g suka yang dari Jambi, cakep cakep cuaakkkeeepp! hhihiii
sapa yang menang yaaa? g ga ntn habis sihh,hhehe
tb2 mood g hilang bgitu saja, jd sensi abixx! = ="
sorry ya teman kalo kata2 yg tidak menyenangkan dr g =(

trus trus gr2 badmood, jd na males ngom ni, jd na g kpikiran cr info martha tilaar n mustika ratu :)
nyesel juga kmaren knp ga langsung trima tawaran jadi model mustika ratuuuu! ggrrr!
but, i alrd said that NEVER REGRET EVERYTHING =)
ive try! but still cant =(
now, all i really want is Photographic & Fashion Make Up Diploma di Puspita Martha International Beauty School.
but, mother pasti ga izinin kalo g masuknya skrg, scra g kmaren jnji k nyokap stlh lulus S1 g bakal ngmbil diploma iniii, n nyokap juga mendukunggg,
nah mslhnya skrg g uda ga pngn lg lanjutin ni kuliahh, pengen na lsg masuk k PMIBS, =((
pliissssss :):):)
but,apapun yg mommy tawarin ke aku,aku tawu itu adalah yang terbaik buet akuuuu :)
thanks for everything mother :) i love you :)

hope tomorrow will be better :)
aaa.jadi kangen ama FAMILY ku tercintaaa :):):)

wednesday, october 6

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hari ini libur lagii,hhee ga ngampus,ga kerjain tugas,feel free :)
housemate g lg pengen makan kwetiaw penang, so we go to Little Penang di TA,
its yummy! serasa di Malaysia sekaliii :D:D:D

its nasi hainam :)
like thiss!hhaha

this is kwetiaw penang! so yummmyyy!

en this one is
lumpia penang!
i dont really like it,hhihii

itu smua kita habiskan b2,hahhaa
ga habis sih,lumpia na masi sisa bnyakk,ga sesuai selera kita sihh,hhehe
but, Little Penang recommended deh!hhaha

eh ini g baru ambil foto na di FB,hhe

ini tulisan buet anak-anak di YOI
keep smiling friends :)
we're here! you're not alone =)

ini semua tulisan buet mereka :):):)


waaa,besok uts dimulaiii
ujian PIO, n mpe skarang g blom belajar, mmg open book sih ujian naa =P
but, wishmeluckfortomorrow :):)

hope tomorrow will be better :):):)
keep smiling everyone =)

tuesday, october 5

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hoolaaa :)
ga kerasa uda lama ga ngeblog gara2 lappy gw masuk rumahsakit, hhi
kmaren nih baru pulang nih lappy naa. welcome home lappy =)

oiah,pagi ini g ga ngampus gara2 ga ada kelas, cuma ada kelas KP PIO doang, n g mmg ga niat masuk soalnya kmaren begadang mpe stenga 2 untuk kerjain tugas kepribadian 2.

sharian dirumah mulu mmg sungguh membosankann!
Oiah, tadi siang g dapet kabar buruk yg membuat g sedih sekaliii =( jd na males bbm an, males makan, buttt, after talk to my dear best friend " cynthia taruna " slama 2 jam, feel better. much better. g aja skrg uda ga kepikiran msalah itu lagi,

hope tommorow will be better :)
keep smiling

Sunday, October 31, 2010

sunday, october 31

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
yesterday, 30 october is my mother's birthday.
happy birthday mom =) I love you mom.

miss youuu *kisshugs*
celebrating the birthday of the mother, without me.=((((

this is a little cake from me to
celebrate mom's birthday

share about my life :
I began to feel distant from my close friends. and its true.
and I began to realize, any time n wherever we are,
we must believe in ourselves.
no one in charge of your happiness except you.
I believe time heals everything.
n life is too short to waste time hating anyone. forgive them for everything =)

i cant stop eatingggg! OMG! everytimes when i say " i wanna DIET from now on"
its always failed!! =((
everyone says that im too FAT now! HELPP!
todays menu :
breakfast : cianjur
lunch : buffet @raja kuring
dinner : jala-jala + JCO yogurt

Monday, October 25, 2010

monday, october 25

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
today's very funny. sorry feli, we're just kidding. =)))

RED movie again, eat REDMango,
I already told my friends that I've feeling with one man. but I'm not sure.
then they gave me a lot of advice. thank you friends.

jakarta heavy rain flushed, flooding and traffic jams everywhere

do not know why, lately my mood is not stable
sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, I can not control it.

find, I love it. there are very fashionable.
ive register the modelling competition,wish me luck :)

ps: havent text me yet! :(
hope tommorow will be better :)
*news* there was an earthquake in Sumatera,Indonesia. 7,2 SR , 21.40 WIB
lets pray for the best =)
night fellas :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

friday, october 22

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
uda lama ga nonton dvd serial taiwannnn! dlu sih tiep hari kerjaan na nonton dvd muluuu =P
ni judul na Personal Taste, lucuu,kerenn,n cakepp sekalii lee min ho nyaa! omaigatomaigattt!
i really fall for himmm! hhihii
oyaa,tadi g uda ntn stepup3 lohh! yg 3D,n bego na g lupa pk lens! jdi na g pake dobel kcamata nih ceritanyaa,hhaha,konyol abis!
btw,btw,bsog g pengen ikutan jualan bunga n ngamen lagiii buet cari dana amal,tapii ...

thenn, kmaren g jam 3 nih baru tidur gara2 ngob ga jelas ama sandra,my house mate!hhaha
ehh2, nih g share foto gw ama housemate ga jelas inii!hahhaa
nih teddy g,g,n sandra
housemate g yang ODONG jugaa,
ga kalah odong ama g!hahhahaa

i just realized that everyday is an extraordinary day! 
thanks god for today!
hope tommorow will be better =)

nb. you promise me,you owe me! im waiting for you to text me asap! =)

goodnight bloggers!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

thursday, october 21

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
uda pengen nge blog ni dari kemaren,tapi lappy ku baru pulang hari ini :D welcome home again baby!
oiah g punya banyak cerita nih, berhubung udah lama ga ngeblog,hehe
sekarang rambut g uda beda lohh! *berasa.makin.cakep* hhihi

liet,beda kan stelah di make up?hehhe
nih foto gw ama my hairdresser/makeup artist

ci Lia-me-ko Stephen
they are so funny! happy to be cooperated with them :)

g blom nonton stepup3 nihh =(((
kmaren maw nonton ga ada tiket lagii,jadi na nonton RED,its so cool! nice movie!hahaha

hope tommorow will be better :)
just pray for the best.
nite blogs!

Friday, October 8, 2010

friday, october 8

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
sharian ga kemana-mana, kerjain something buet birthdaygift temen g :)
hope she'll like it :):):)
i alrd do my best :p

nonton pemilihan putri indonesia! g suka yang dari Jambi, cakep cakep cuaakkkeeepp! hhihiii
sapa yang menang yaaa? g ga ntn habis sihh,hhehe
tb2 mood g hilang bgitu saja, jd sensi abixx! = ="
sorry ya teman kalo kata2 yg tidak menyenangkan dr g =(

trus trus gr2 badmood, jd na males ngom ni, jd na g kpikiran cr info martha tilaar n mustika ratu :)
nyesel juga kmaren knp ga langsung trima tawaran jadi model mustika ratuuuu! ggrrr!
but, i alrd said that NEVER REGRET EVERYTHING =)
ive try! but still cant =(
now, all i really want is Photographic & Fashion Make Up Diploma di Puspita Martha International Beauty School.
but, mother pasti ga izinin kalo g masuknya skrg, scra g kmaren jnji k nyokap stlh lulus S1 g bakal ngmbil diploma iniii, n nyokap juga mendukunggg,
nah mslhnya skrg g uda ga pngn lg lanjutin ni kuliahh, pengen na lsg masuk k PMIBS, =((
pliissssss :):):)
but,apapun yg mommy tawarin ke aku,aku tawu itu adalah yang terbaik buet akuuuu :)
thanks for everything mother :) i love you :)

hope tomorrow will be better :)
aaa.jadi kangen ama FAMILY ku tercintaaa :):):)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

wednesday, october 6

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
hari ini libur lagii,hhee ga ngampus,ga kerjain tugas,feel free :)
housemate g lg pengen makan kwetiaw penang, so we go to Little Penang di TA,
its yummy! serasa di Malaysia sekaliii :D:D:D

its nasi hainam :)
like thiss!hhaha

this is kwetiaw penang! so yummmyyy!

en this one is
lumpia penang!
i dont really like it,hhihii

itu smua kita habiskan b2,hahhaa
ga habis sih,lumpia na masi sisa bnyakk,ga sesuai selera kita sihh,hhehe
but, Little Penang recommended deh!hhaha

eh ini g baru ambil foto na di FB,hhe

ini tulisan buet anak-anak di YOI
keep smiling friends :)
we're here! you're not alone =)

ini semua tulisan buet mereka :):):)


waaa,besok uts dimulaiii
ujian PIO, n mpe skarang g blom belajar, mmg open book sih ujian naa =P
but, wishmeluckfortomorrow :):)

hope tomorrow will be better :):):)
keep smiling everyone =)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

tuesday, october 5

Posted by J E N N Y 0 comments
hoolaaa :)
ga kerasa uda lama ga ngeblog gara2 lappy gw masuk rumahsakit, hhi
kmaren nih baru pulang nih lappy naa. welcome home lappy =)

oiah,pagi ini g ga ngampus gara2 ga ada kelas, cuma ada kelas KP PIO doang, n g mmg ga niat masuk soalnya kmaren begadang mpe stenga 2 untuk kerjain tugas kepribadian 2.

sharian dirumah mulu mmg sungguh membosankann!
Oiah, tadi siang g dapet kabar buruk yg membuat g sedih sekaliii =( jd na males bbm an, males makan, buttt, after talk to my dear best friend " cynthia taruna " slama 2 jam, feel better. much better. g aja skrg uda ga kepikiran msalah itu lagi,

hope tommorow will be better :)
keep smiling